Inflammation is the Cause of Nearly All Disease – Here’s How to Prevent It

HJ: Overall this a great article.  The information it contains and the advice it gives is generally right on target.  However, the section on ‘fermented foods’ should be ignored as these foods tend to have highly detrimental effects on the body that far outweigh any potential benefits they offer.  Caveat emptor. – Truth

Inflammation is the cause of nearly all disease – Here’s how to prevent it

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer

Natural News

(NaturalNews) Persistent, systemic inflammation is at the root of practically all known chronic health conditions, including everything from rheumatoid arthritis and high cholesterol to dementia and cancer. These conditions are not necessarily inevitable, and neither is chronic inflammation, but you have to know what lifestyle and dietary steps to take in order to avoid them, many of which are fairly simple and straightforward.

There are literally hundreds of illnesses caused by chronic inflammation that modern medicine has classified as unique and unrelated, when in fact they are all products of the same underlying imbalances inside the body. When the root causes of these imbalances are properly addressed, in other words, chronic illness in general stands a far less chance of taking hold than if left to run its natural course.

“Inflammation is your body’s response to stress — whether from your diet, lifestyle or environment,” says a 2006 article by Body Ecology. “Think of what happens when you catch a cold. You may experience inflammation in the form of a fever as your body heats up to eradicate the effects of the invading virus.”

“This kind of inflammation is good, but the modern epidemic of chronic, low-grade inflammation destroys the balance in your body. When your body’s systems experience a constant inflammatory response, you become more susceptible to aging and disease.”

And what are some of the primary causes of chronic inflammation? Excessive stress, poor diet that lacks vitamins and minerals, environmental toxicity, not drinking enough clean water, lack of sleep, and lack of exercise all contribute to low levels of chronic inflammation that often go undetected for many years until disease finally emerges.

Read the rest of the article here: Natural News

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