UBS Issues Hyperinflation Warning For US And UK
HJ: As the days go by, the collapse of the old monetary system continues. Now we are seeing increased warnings and foreshadowings from some of the worlds largest financial institutions. Whether it is…

Dr. Joshua David Stone: Live the Impossible Dream (Part 2 of 2)
HJ: More pertinent, timeless advice from the late Dr. Joshua David Stone. Stone’s wisdom and ever optimistic writing has inspired countless thousands of souls towards higher consciousness. I post his words of inspiration here…

The White Hats Report #46 – Critical Information
By The White Hats The White Hats A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION! First agenda item: Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”. The “calls”…

BIS Instructed to Block Disbursement of All Computer Generated Euros and US Dollars
Healers Journal Commentary: More high level insider information shared here by Mr. Bramerton. His intel correlates strongly with that put forth recently by Benjamin Fulford. As mentioned, it is obvious that the US…

The Absolute Importance of Choosing Organic Foods
Healers Journal Commentary: Now more than ever, choosing organically grown produce is of the utmost importance for overall health and spiritual development. Do you actually know what you are putting into your body when…

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 170
By Aisha North The Manuscript of Survival Let us just begin this missive by saying that you have all started to master old skills by now, and although your mind has yet to…

The Universal Laws: The Law of One
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff In the New Age and Spiritual communities, the axiom that ‘all are one’ has become somewhat of a cliche– a stereotype…

Lyn Asmar Explains the Sirian Command – Part 1
Healers Journal Commentary: Lyn Asmar, the wonderful spirit behind Esoteric College, brings us an article explaining what the intentions of the Sirian Command are. Esoteric College By Lyn Asmar Many of you have…

Dr. Joshua David Stone: Live the Impossible Dream (Part 1 of 2)
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University My Beloved Readers, it was Don Quixote from Man of La Mancha that sang the song “Dream the Impossible Dream! Fight the Unbeatable Foe! Bear…

Is the USPS About to Default on Postal Workers Benefits Payments?
By Tyler Durden on 07/19/2012 09:56 -0400 Zero Hedge So far the beyond insolvent US Postal Service has been able to avoid outright bankruptcy simply because no major cash outflows were required by the organization….