July 2012
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Moody’s Downgrades EU Creditors: It’s the beginning of the End

HJ: The painfully slow disintegration of the EU and the collapse of the global economy lurches on.  I don’t know about you, but I just want to be done with this chapter of…


Greece: It Will Leave the Eurozone, Even Though it Doesn’t Want To

By John Ward (The Slog) The Slog Greece can’t live on thin air during August The media spotlight at the moment appears to be on Spain, when it isn’t on the Olympics. But…


Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 172

By Aisha North The Manuscript of Survival As the times passes and the lessons and challenges only seem to mount in number and intensity, many will have a hard time keeping the focus….

The Dangers of Nanoparticles in Your Personal Care Products

HJ: Another reason to only use truly natural and organic products.  Even with those you need to be careful.  In todays world, it is imperative that everyone truly seeking health and well being…


The Universal Laws: The Law of Actuality

Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff This cryptic law ties into the profound universal truth that we create our own reality — what we think about, we…

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Hilarion: You Now Become the Highest Manifestation of Your Deepest Dreams and Desires

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – July 22, 2012 The Rainbow Scribe Beloved Ones, As you walked your spiritual path from seeker to awakened One, you met many tests along the way. The fact…


Could This be the End of the Road for Greece?

HJ: It’s anybody’s guess what the IMF’s next move will be in regards to the multiple failing European economies.  However, one thing is certain– collapse is coming to make way for a new,…


LIBOR in Context: Oil Market Manipulation Is Far Worse

HJ: And the dominoes continue to fall.  These articles are exposing what many of us already know– that all markets are heavily manipulated.  When you have interests as powerful and wealthy as the…


Sugar, Inflammation and Longevity

HJ: Sugar, as mentioned in the article below, is responsible for a myriad of diseases in modern society.  Although not mentioned here, sugar is also highly implicated in Candida, a pathogenic fungal infection…

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Lieborgate: Here Come The Arrests – Prosecutors and Regulators Closing In

HJ: This article signals the next phase in the LIBOR scandal is about to kick into high gear.  It is incredible to finally see action being taken against the banks who have been…

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