Major Bank Chief Admits Industry is in Deep Crisis
HJ: More collateral damage from the LIBOR scandal. While news is still surfacing about this ongoing banking enquiry, it is being overshadowed by the Colorado shootings and the Olympics. Coverage on the Healers…

Tim Geithner Admits LIBOR Fraud and Costing Taxpayers Huge Amount
HJ: As the days go by, the cabal digs themselves further and further into the hole that they have created for themselves. The question at this point is, it this all intentional or…

Arcturians: Knowing Divine Manifestation
Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele – July 29, 2012 Oneness Of All We are the Arcturian group, here to assist those wishing to ascend into the new energies pouring forth onto your planet at…

At Least Three Banks Identified at Core of LIBOR Rigging Scandal
HJ: It is very reassuring to see major mainstream media news outlets like Reuters not dropping the ball on the LIBOR scandal story– letting it get overshadowed by tragic distractions in Bulgaria or…

Update on Banker Arrests – July 2012
By Cindy O Consciously Connecting Bankers and Brokers and Inside Traders Arrested, Oh My! 6/23/12: Social welfare ‘scam’: Two bank officials arrested Muzaffarnagar, India Jul 23 (PTI) Two officials of a public sector bank were…

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 175
By Aisha North The Manuscript of Survival The sun is once again giving freely of her wonderful gifts, and even if they might not feel like gifts as you receive them, these injections…

The Universal Laws: The Law of Authority
Commentary by Truth (The Healers Journal) Law Interpreted by Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff In its essence, I believe this to be a law concerning responsibility, primarily. As I understand it, it states that he/she…

DL Zeta: Activating Timelines of Inner Unity and Oneness
By DL Zeta Celestial Vision As old ways of being fade from your rearview mirror, you’re able to bring your full focus and attention to new visions and inspirations that stretch before you….

Investigators Are Closing In On Two Other Banks Involved In LIBOR Rigging
Carrick Mollenkamp and Emily Flitter, Reuters | Jul. 28, 2012, 6:38 AM Business Insider (Reuters) – New details from court documents and sources close to the Libor scandal investigation suggest that groups of traders working…

CNN President Jim Walton Resigns
By Edmund Lee on July 27, 2012 Business Week CNN President Jim Walton, who presided over the once-dominant cable-news business as it lost viewers to Fox News, will resign after almost a decade…