July 2012

Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Importance of Developing Full Consciousness and The Three Levels of Enlightenment (Part 3 of 5)

Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University The development of a “full consciousness” means seeing and living your life from all 12 Archetypes being mastered, integrated and balanced! It means seeing every…


Seven Ways to Find Joy in Tough Times

[Healers Journal Note: The author asserts we live in tough times.  That is purely a matter of personal perception.  However, his suggestions for finding joy are timeless, which is why I decided to…

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Libor Scandal: Manipulation Spanned Decades, According To Reports

The Huffington Post  |  By Bonnie Kavoussi Huffington Post The Canary Wharf headquarters of Barclays Bank, who have been fined 290 million GBP for manipulating the Libor inter-bank lending rate. Though the Libor scandal is…


Cosmic Awareness: Update on the Economic Forecast – A Collapse of the Physical Realm is Imminent

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff www.cosmicawareness.org AN UPDATE ON THE ECONOMIC FORECAST QUESTIONER: Does Awareness have an update on the economy or finances in general at this time? COSMIC AWARENESS: The Powers That…


Rate-Rigging Scandal: Detection of the Scam is Going Global

RATE-RIGGING SCANDAL: as The Slog predicted, detection of the scam is going global. Mood changing rapidly towards a full Glass-Steagal separation of retail and investment banking By the Slog The Slog The German regulatory…


Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 163

By Aisha North Aisha North Today we would like to delve further into a well known topic for you all, namely the ups and downs of your mental state. As we have already…

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Food: A Direct Connection to How You Feel

by Melissa A. Bartoszewski, DC  Natural News (NaturalNews) Ever wonder why you are in pain, feeling tired and sluggish, frequently sick, have less than radiant skin, or just can’t seem to focus? The…

Addicted to Coffee? You May Be Dopamine Deficient

by PF Louis Natural News (NaturalNews) Many of us depend on an early morning “Jo” to get us on the go. Some of us need refills as the day progresses. Still others use…


Keshe Foundation: The World Peace Invitation and Release of Technology

From the Keshe Foundation The text below is the copy of the official invitation to the leaders of your governments through their embassies in Belgium. These emails will start leaving the Foundation and will be…

Libor Rate-Fixing Scandal Spotlight Now on Citi, JPMorgan

By Agence France-Presse Saturday, July 7, 2012 9:03 EDT Raw Story NEW YORK — The harsh light of the Libor rate-fixing scandal has crossed the Atlantic, with both Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase saying…

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