July 2012
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DL Zeta: The Role of Chaos in Fifth-Dimensional Transitions

By DL Zeta July 2012 www.celestialvision.org Creative energies abound as we move deeper into July. The creative flow offers new ideas and opportunities – if we’re able to ride the wave of these…


U.S. Is Building Criminal Cases in Rate-Fixing LIBOR Scandal

BY BEN PROTESS AND MARK SCOTT NY Times As regulators ramp up their global investigation into the manipulation of interest rates, the Justice Department has identified potential criminal wrongdoing by big banks and individuals at the…


Ascension Symptoms or Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies? Comprehensive List

Healers Journal Commentary: In the New Age/Lightworker/Starseed/Ascension community, it is very common to hear people writing off mental and physical symptoms simply as generalized “ascension symptoms”.  However, I believe this to be very…


Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Importance of Developing Full Consciousness and The Three Levels of Enlightenment (Part 5 of 5)

Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I know that this lesson and chapter has touched a resonant cord within your being which is God/dess! We know…

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Cobra Intel: The Plan Expanded

The Plan Expanded By Cobra 2012 Portal The original plan for the liberation of this planet has been expanded. There will be less talk and more action: 1. Less intel will be declassified…


Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 166

By Aisha North Aisha North The nuances of the incoming energies will vary much this time around, therefore, your perception of them will also vary greatly. In other words, this will in many…


Passion Flower is a Miracle Herb for Pain and Anxiety

by Danna Norek  Natual News (NaturalNews) Passion flower is not only known as a religiously symbolic and easily grown plant. Many varieties of the passion flower’s “passiflora” genus have also been used medicinally…


Major X-Class Solar Flare Occurs During Mercury Retrograde – Hits Earth July 14th, 2012

Magnetic Effect of Solar Flares – Coronal Mass Ejections By James Tyberonn www.Earth-Keeper.com The solar gas from CME’s has its own magnetic field, and as it streams past our planet, it stirs up…


The Sirian Command: The Solar System and Higher Beings (Part One)

Sirian Command via Lyn Asmar Esoteric College (Blog) Esoteric College (Homepage) The Sirian Connection to the Great Pyramid in Egypt A series of lectures were channelled through a group of meditators to accompany the Sirian…


The White Hats Report #45 – July 12th, 2012

July 12, 2012 – WHITE HATS REPORT #45 By The White Hats The White Hats Report Nomenclature of Financial Thievery President: “I don’t understand, where does all this come from? How do you…

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