Saul: Neglected Personal Issues Are Arising, Sometimes Very Forcefully Indeed

Saul via John Smallman – July 25, 2012

John Smallman’s Blog

Awakening — the fabulous event to which so many are looking forward with great expectancy — is on course and on schedule to arrive precisely as intended by humanity’s collective will, which is now sufficiently in alignment with God’s to ensure that there will be no reversals or turning back.

The end, the destination, is clearly defined and cannot be avoided. Therefore release all your worries and anxieties. What you are hoping for, praying for, longing for is not an insane and imaginary concept, dreamt up by a few wishful thinkers. It is Reality, your eternal Home, which the illusion has kept shrouded in fog and hidden from you for far too long.

It is, and always has been, your intent to awaken (you had just lost your way temporarily in dreamland), and the moment for that to occur is fast approaching. Your will is to awaken, and God’s Will is for you to awaken; you just allowed yourselves to be distracted from Reality by the enticements of the illusion for a moment or two, and now they no longer hold any interest for you. You intensely desire to awaken, and as the intensity of that desire spreads throughout humanity it will no longer be denied.

Every human is engaged in the unavoidable process of addressing the personal issues that he has neglected or denied, whatever the reason maybe, as they break into his conscious mind, sometimes very forcefully indeed.

For those who have been unaware of their spiritual side — or who have been avoiding considering the possibility that they may have one! — these issues, arising in their awareness unbidden, can be very alarming. Some may think they are going mad, others may feel that they are about to have a nervous breakdown.

For those who have lived with their emotions, as they imagine, completely under control, and who have tended to judge those who show their emotions as weak, ineffective, hysterical, etc., this is a grave shock. To become overwhelmed with emotions is unacceptable! They may seek medical advice and prescriptive drugs, or they may increase their alcohol intake or that of other drugs. But, when the effects wear off, they will be unable to ignore the presence of these issues. They have to be addressed and released, and for that forgiveness is essential, of self as well as others.

Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness – this is the key to sanity and inner peace – and still more forgiveness. It dissolves guilt and leads to freedom. Without forgiving yourselves, and anyone or any group who have offended you in any manner, you remain trapped in a state of judging and blaming which causes you constant unhappiness, as you endlessly mull over the words and actions committed against you while wondering how people could be so unkind and hurtful to you.

If you are living like this, then you are aware of others who seem to be happy, and that often seems very unfair to you! And that thought cycle just keeps on repeating, offers you no respite or solutions, and prevents you from living, experiencing, and enjoying each now moment as it arrives

To be happy, you have to stop endlessly playing those old mental tapes that remind you of how unfair life is and how badly you have been treated. Everyone experiencing life in the illusion has suffered frequently and intolerably over the eons, and dwelling on it only distracts you from living and being aware.

When you live in the moment, you perceive all the delights – children happily laughing, birdsong, a beautiful sunset, music, a smile from a stranger – that are forever all around you. However difficult your present life may be, there are always moments in which to rejoice. So focus on those and not on your traumas, however constant and painful they may appear to be.

You are going to awaken! And it is on that approaching event that you need to focus your attention. All suffering, disharmony, and misery will cease, and that is indeed a most joyful prospect! Yes, it often seems that you have been waiting interminably for this wonderful event, and as you wait, doubts and anxieties arise. So just remind yourselves daily that God always delivers on His promises, and continue to hold your Light on high.

You are way-showers, and the field of divine Love, which you have opened your hearts to accept and share, and that flows through each one of you to assist all of humanity in its awakening, is flowing more and more powerfully as the moment for your awakening gets ever closer.

You are all essential parts of this enormously powerful field, so remind yourselves frequently that you are eternally and infinitely loved by God, and allow yourselves to feel the warmth, the peace, the confidence, and above all the Love of His divine embrace as you await your inevitable entrance into your natural and most holy state.

By allowing yourselves to feel all of this, you intensify the loving up-beat vibes that flow through you and from you, and then they have a truly wondrous effect on all with whom you interact, and that is why you are experiencing life on Earth at this moment in her spiritual evolution.

With so very much love, Saul.

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