Sugar, Inflammation and Longevity

HJ: Sugar, as mentioned in the article below, is responsible for a myriad of diseases in modern society.  Although not mentioned here, sugar is also highly implicated in Candida, a pathogenic fungal infection in the body which some experts say infects up to 90% of western society.  It is important to read the labels of everything you buy, as sugar is now hidden in many foods which you would not expect to have it.  Many people think they dont consumer sugar, when in fact, they actually consume a hefty amount daily.  – Truth

By Angelo Druda 

Natural News
(NaturalNews) Ancient Roman and Indian doctors used sugar topically to treat infections and internally to sweeten less palatable medicines. It was, however, fairly unknown in the common marketplace. The tropical conditions required to grow sugar and the labor intensive difficulty of harvesting the plant ensured the rarity of it’s sweetness. But slavery ended all of that.

Sugar finally made its way into Europe in the sixteen hundreds, and it set off a demand that rivals in madness the modern cravings for cocaine and heroin. The dramatic expansion and institutionalization of the African slave trade was in direct response to the demand for sugar and was ignored and tolerated by the ever growing numbers of European sugar addicts. Today sugar is everywhere in our lives, even though it is not a true nutrient or necessary for human life.

The sweetness of sugar directly affects the stomach, spleen and pancreas. Sugar burns hot in the gut which is exactly what we like about it. It sets off a fire in the belly and lifts our energy for a time. The digestive system is naturally nourished and boosted by sweetness. It is however, the natural and grounded sweetness found in fruits, vegetables, grains and herbs that regenerates the stomach, spleen and pancreas and not the concentrated and fiery excess that sucrose provides. So there is a price to be paid for the sugary treat.

Read the rest of the article here: Natural News

1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. Especially fructose is according to Dr. Mercola et al very important to minimize and it is treacherous as you also find it in many “good” foods as fruits and not to forget honey, but if you keep it under 25 mg in totality per day you are fine.
    This is a very good checklist :

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