BIS Instructed to Block Disbursement of All Computer Generated Euros and US Dollars

Healers Journal Commentary: More high level insider information shared here by Mr. Bramerton.  His intel correlates strongly with that put forth recently by Benjamin Fulford.  As mentioned, it is obvious that the US and Europe are beginning to squeam and incite desperate measures such as bombings in the middle east and other planned acts of terrorism.  Classic diversionary tactics. – Truth

By Alcuin bramerton

Alcuin and Flutterby

The G5’s new fake dollars and Euros are not being accepted as legal tender outside the G5 (US, UK, Germany, France and Italy).

These computer-generated “Quantitative Easing” screen-numbers, conjured-up by élite keyboards at the US Fed and the European Central Bank, are being blocked on the instructions of the 147-nation Monaco Colloquium Group led by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

What is being blocked here are escalating US and EU Ponzi money issuances which fall outside the permissions settled within the BIS International Regulatory Framework for Banks (Basel III accords).

Both the US and the EU have been cooking their visible debt books by cross firing debt to each other.

A cross-firing scam is one where a sovereign nation or a major international bank attempts to conceal from auditors and rating agencies the fact that it is insolvent.

The scamming nation or bank does this by setting up multiple debt-distributing (= debt concealing) paper transactions between internal departments and tame external shell companies. From the US point of view, the ECB is a tame external shell company; from the ECB point of view, the US Federal Reserve System is a tame external shell company.

A cross-firing scam is often difficult for auditors and analysts to track due to the sheer number of changing transactions constantly flowing between the various components of the business and its external co-conspirators.

The Monaco Colloquium Group is also refusing to purchase any more G5 bonds or financial products. The Chinese $47 trillion Lien in operation against the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board remains in place.

When Western capitalism finally collapses under the weight of its ownflesh-eating debt mathematics, and the long-planned democratic régime changes in the G5 nations take place, new gold-backed currencies will come on stream and universal debt forgiveness will be announced.

The attempt by G5 NATO-backed mercenary militias in “The Syrian Civil War” to start a Middle East conflagration which draws in Iran, Israel and Russia will fail. Designed as a Libyan-style destabilisation and media-distraction, Russia, China and Turkey will prevent this fin de siècle NATO war-mongering.

More Syrian background here (19.07.12) and here (16.07.12).

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