Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Importance of Developing Full Consciousness and The Three Levels of Enlightenment (Part 5 of 5)

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I AM University

Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I know that this lesson and chapter has touched a resonant cord within your being which is God/dess! We know this because we feel this, for there is only one I AM, and this I AM is the same in all of us, and we all share the same identity in the I AM!

So enroll now in the I AM University and Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I, will put you on a Rocketship to God, rocketing straight up to God, as my good friend Metatron likes to say!

Do not miss the Spiritual opportunity for there is humbly speaking nothing like the I AM University on Earth. This is not stated as ego, it is just a simple honest statement of fact! If you have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear, you will sense the truth of the words Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I speak.

As my dear friend Lord Maitreya has said, the I AM University is a universe unto itself! Take advantage of this, for never has a Group Consciousness Avatar incarnated like this into an Earthly Spiritual center and Earthly service vehicle like this! In total humbleness and humility Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I, tell you this is a Spiritual opportunity of a lifetime and in truth all your lifetimes! So enroll now and give Spirit, the Ascended Masters and I permission to help you get on the Rocketship to God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Mighty I AM Presence, and I AM Mastery!

So Let It Be Written! So Let It Be Done!

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