Seven Ways to Find Joy in Tough Times

[Healers Journal Note: The author asserts we live in tough times.  That is purely a matter of personal perception.  However, his suggestions for finding joy are timeless, which is why I decided to post this article.  – Truth]

Natural News

by PF Louis 

(NaturalNews) These are tough times getting tougher. We all should know by now that stress may be the number one catalyst for bad health. But denial is not the answer. We need to understand more about the reality of our times in order to survive.

The trick is to do so while retaining a level of equanimity and compassionate detachment, not merely forced cold indifference. Through equanimity, the spark of joy can ignite happiness no matter what the environment is forcing on us.

True happiness comes from within, and there are anecdotes of people in captivity under harsh conditions having an inward sense of serene freedom even while others around them were suffering.

Those moments of clarity and joy under harsh conditions occurred spontaneously only after their inner soil had been cultivated. Working on that inner soil is what the following seven tips are about.

(1) Curb anger and rage:

Getting angry with the likes of Monsanto, the cancer industry, vaccinators, mainstream media, and the willful ignorance of most of the human race is understandable. At least it’s better than feeling like a lone apathetic victim.

But it will ruin you, not serve you in the long run. Whenever you find yourself beginning to seethe, get out quickly and calmly. You’re toast if anger and rage become chronic.

(2) Keep good company:

Hang with supportive people with whom you are comfortable and can share your views humorously, even if only with Facebook. Ideally, that could involve at least some family. Extended families survive better during hard times by sharing. It’s a tradition that has been ignored by the “upwardly mobile.”

(3) Practice real kindness:

Allow your compassion to grow by helping others, including animals. Do it out of genuine concern and love. You don’t have to forget in order to forgive. Grudges affect you negatively more than those against you hold in contempt.

(4) Be in the moment:

Think less of the past and don’t worry much about the future. The mind loves to do that. But the part of you that experiences joy is not the mind. Day dreaming might help you feel good, but it leads to delusion.

Good music can help you be in the moment. Some use mantras. Others admire nature’s beauty.

Read the rest of the article here: Natural News

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