Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 152

By Aisha North

Aisha North

As of today, many will feel the opening of a whole new space inside of them, a space filled with tranquility even if the outside is anything but. Let us explain. These last few days of intense energies have once again transported you all to a new level of energetic vibration, and this has enabled you to be disconnected from even more of the old programming that was holding you down. Therefore, space has been cleared, and it will be filled with even more light than was possible only a short time ago.

It might not be apparent to you at first, as both your physical and your mental bodies in many way still lingers on in the old vibration, much like the lingering sensation from a limb that has been cut off but that the body still perceives to be there. In other words, you will have a gradual awakening to the fact that there are now things that have been eradicated from your being forever, and something entirely new has taken its place.

Feel free to explore this new space at your own sweet time dear ones, as there, you will find much to give you solace and joy in the times ahead as this is also a preparation for things to come. You see, you are being prepared for the next stage of this saga, and as you probably are more than well aware of by now, it willl indeed entail much outside drama. Therefore, we advice you to start venturing inside this new and bright space that has been cleared in you all, and get settled there so that you will be better able to weather out the storms in the turbulent times ahead. So start connecting with that inner sanctuary now, and it will give you much solace as we prepare to set the stage for the next act.

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. I know the space is there but why does it feel void? As an Empath, I feel detached like I’m in a void just waiting. Before that happened I felt like I sucked into a vacuum. I always strive to be a good Empath but last night I felt a need to express anger at people who just drain me of progress; personal and professional.
    I currently receive government benefits but I do 35 hours of mandated tasks weekly, to maintain those benefits.
    Oddly, I feel like this is where I’m supposed to be every time I Keeping mySelf “free” from a scheduled job.

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH for these channelled messages and blessings. So aptly entitled “MANUSCRIPT FOR SURVIVAL” for as you well know, it has at times literally felt like fighting for SURVIVAL. Oddly enough, I only found your messages on youtube yesterday and have been listening to them non-stop. I wish I had found these months ago when I was truly lost, alone and in the darkness of absolute despair. But, as your most recent messages so correctly suggest, all of a sudden, I have found myself in a newfound peace and tranquility. I have felt like I was failing life and my spiritual lessons completely. But, now I feel that there truly is a light growing inside of me. I don;t want to take any credit for this transformation as it seems to be triggered by these planetary alignments-my Chiron return!! – and the downloading of these high energies. But, as I find myslef more and more in my heart center, the need to have credit for anything has finally left with my old identity. Thank you for leading the way, dear channel and master.
    Lovingly, and humbly yours, Michael

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