The Schumann Resonance: Earth’s Powerful Natural Vibration by Ingrid P. Dickenson, BRCP EMR The Discovery of Schumann Resonance It has come to my attention that various companies are using my research to sell their products, claiming they emit the Schumann…
Pia And Cullen: The Venus Transit Will Bring Love & Light – June 5th, 2012 By Pia & CullenHumanity is on the verge of experiencing an event that could bring an exponential rise in consciousness to the human race. A portal approaches, and we have the choice…
Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 141
By Aisha North Let us begin this missive by commending you all for a job well done. You have no idea how important the events you have just been through were, but…
Returning To Our Multidimensional Selves – May 20th, 2012
Mytria via Suzan Caroll I am Mytria, Keeper of the Violet Flame on Alycone, Pleiades, and I am Mytre, Commander in the Ashtar Commander. I am Mytria, Keeper of the Violet Flame…
Cobra Update: Reboot of the Grid – May 20th, 2012
REBOOT OF THE GRID By Cobra 5-20-2012 After the great success of World Liberation Day, our efforts for planetary liberation continue. This time, we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals…
Stanislav Graf: 2012: End of the World or Consciousness Revolution?
By Stanislav Garf, M.D., Ph.D. With few exceptions, the Mayan prophecy about the end of the cosmic cycle has been misinterpreted as predicting the actual physical destruction of humanity and the material…
Sentinels: The New Earth is Here
Sentinels via Karen Doonan We come to guide and to support as the time that has always been stated approaches. In the “history” of human kind there has been an event that…
Hydrilla Verticillata Health Benefits: The Worlds Most Nutrient Dense Superfood?
Order Lotus Superfoods Hydrilla Powder From the Healers Store: Hydrilla Verticillata World’s Most Concentrated Source of Calcium & Vitamin B-12 Exceptionally Rich in Minerals, Vitamins, Antioxidants, Chlorophyll, Protein, & Essential Fatty Acids Complete…
A Rare Solar Eclipse Alignment Will Happen on May 20th, 2012
A Rare Solar Eclipse Alignment Will Happen Between the Earth, the Sun and, our central Sun, Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. On May 20, 2012, a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen…