Hemp Seed: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source in the World
HEMP SEED: THE MOST NUTRITIONALLY COMPLETE FOOD SOURCE IN THE WORLD Part One by Lynn Osburn http://www.ratical.org/renewables/hempseed1.html Seeds of the plant cannabis sativa, hemp seed, contain all the essential…
Crash 2: 76 Years On, Spain Once Again Holds the Key to the Future
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/20/crash-2-76-years-on-spain-once-again-holds-the-key-to-the-future/ For all kinds of reasons (entirely family, nothing to to with GCHQ etc) my posts will be briefer and more sporadic for the foreseeable future. Sometimes, stuff like this…
News Corp. Suits Nearly Double to 100+
By RAPHAEL SATTER Associated Press The Associated Press Friday, April 20, 2012 http://www.centurylink.net/news/read.php?id=18906927&ps=1014&cat=&cps=0&lang=en&src=email LONDON (AP) — Nearly 50 new phone hacking lawsuits have been filed against Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper company, a lawyer…
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light – April 20th, 2012
Galactic Federation of Light via Greg Giles http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/04/message-from-galactic-federation-of_20.html You can look to the people of the arks for safety, and you can look to us for guidance and instruction of how to better prepare…
Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 123
By Aisha North http://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2012/04/21/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-123/ Mankind has come a long way from its humble origins it might seem, but it is in fact the opposite which is true. Let us explain. Although to some…
Wind Turbine Generates Electricity and Harvests 1200 Liters of Water Daily
http://www.eolewater.com/gb/our-products/range.html The WMS1000 Wind Turbine For nearly 15 years, Eole Water team has been mobilized around the development of the WMS1000 wind turbine. This technology was designed around three major pillars: Giving a…
Euroblown Exclusive: Power Draining Away From the IMF
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/euroblown-exclusive-power-draining-away-from-the-imf-19/ The economic world’s shift in balance towards the East and South is making the IMF increasingly irrelevant to economic and fiscal thinkers, a qualitative study conducted by The Slog…