CFTC Accuses Royal Bank of Canada of Sham Trades
By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer The Associated Press, April 2, 2012 WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. regulators are accusing one of Canada’s largest banks of engaging in hundreds of millions of dollars…
James Murdoch Quits as BSkyB Chairman
By Kamal Ahmed – The Telegraph April 3, 2012 James Murdoch is to resign as chairman of BSkyB with immediate effect. He took the decision after speaking to close colleagues at BSkyB…
Cosmic Awareness: Comet Elenin Updates – Jupiter and the Second Sun MORE ON THE COMET/SPACESHIP ELENIN QUESTIONER: Thank you, that’s most appreciated. We have a question from JL. He writes, “In an earlier issue of CAC this year I read that the comet/spaceship…
Breaking: Two Main Greek Parties Already Breaking Bailout Agreement to Gain Votes
By John Ward Dutch Finance Minister offers blunt warning against Athens trickery. Desperate eurocrats still hoping for Chinese, G20 involvement. Greek media sources last night revealed that a get-out clause – in…
Eurozone Debt: Two More UXB’s You Won’t Find in the UK & US MSM
By John Ward Greece has no money to pay international law creditors, and the Bundesbank is owed 550 billion euros by debtor banks From Germany’s Deutsche Mittelstands Nachrichten this morning came the news that…
Pfizer Execs to Stand Trial for Cover-Up of Drug Trial Results
by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Four former executives at Pfizer Inc., the world’s largest drug company. — Henry McKinnell, John LaMattina, Karen Katen, Joseph Feczko — as well as Gail…
The Pleiadian High Council: Suppressed Revelations and Impending Changes
April 1, 2012 The Pleiadian High Council via Wes Annac You are hearing continual updates about the takedown of those who would strip your freedoms away from you in a heartbeat if…
Insight: Until the Eurozone Criminality Pauperises the Vulnerable, Very Few Anglo-Saxons Will Be Interested In It
By John Ward Although many very good but relatively narrow websites like Zero Hedgecontinue to explain in simple terms why the idea of eurozone survival is complete bollocks, the average EU and US…
World Resignation List: 750 and Counting – March 31st, 2012 Tally :Totals for all three categories (since Jan 02): Banking & Financing – 317 Governments – 169 Companies etc. – 264 Total: 750 Banking & Financing:(Week 13 {so far}: 24 resignations 3/30/12 (USA)…