DL Zeta: Love and Kindness are Fifth-Dimensional Signposts

14 April 2012

There are signposts that signal our arrival into fifth-dimensional consciousness. Love and kindness are two signposts upon which our foundation for inter-dimensional experience is based. Love is the highest vibration in the universe; kindness is a natural manifestation of love. Embracing and cultivating love and kindness carries us through the gates of higher dimensions.


We may have a sense of knowing and the ability to access certain forms of higher knowledge but without the ability to live from our heart, we are unable to realize this knowledge in our daily life. Without love, higher knowledge is stillborn and unrealized.


Healing Emotions Allows Communion with our Soul

Practicing love and kindness unites our conscious mind with our heart. When we allow ourselves to experience our feelings, we are able to sit with feelings that may not be comfortable at first. In time, we work through emotional baggage and are able to experience emotional communion with our soul. Our soul expresses itself in feeling states; our mind communicates in words. We need both working together to enter a state of oneness within ourselves.

Getting our conscious mind to embrace our soul may be difficult if we are overly identified with physical reality.

Releasing Physical-Based Identities

When our identity – who we believe ourselves to be – is solely derived from that which is measurable by the conscious mind, the tendency is to gaze with suspicion on anything we can’t physically measure. Since the soul resides in the realm of the unseen and speaks to us in feelings through the doorway of the subconscious, a conscious mind entrenched solely in physical reality distrusts the feeling states transmitted via the soul. Without the soul’s loving and gentle guidance, the mind is able to rationalize most anything. This sometimes sends one’s life down paths that are further and further from its purpose.


An identity that embraces concepts such as meditation, natural healing, service, an active creative imagination and unseen realms is able to free itself of the shackles of physical reality. When we free ourselves from enslavement to the physical, we have much more to share with others. When we are free, we tend to act more from soul desires than from the struggle to survive. When we are free, we love more and treat others with kindness.


Asking for Assistance Opens the Door to Spiritual Wisdom

Identity is one window through which to understand how the soul and mind work together. The conscious mind in some individuals naturally opens to the soul due to spiritual understandings acquired over many lifetimes. Often a physical event inspires one to reach out and ask for assistance. When one reaches beyond the physical for help, they gain access to the rich storehouse of wisdom contained in their higher self. This knowledge and wisdom is held in escrow until they’re ready to receive it.


This wisdom is accessed when the conscious mind “asks” for help through the heart feelings and opens to receive it. This is also a formula for manifesting desires into physical reality. The moment our identity shifts so we see ourselves as “one who asks for and receives divine guidance” we begin to access all that our soul holds in “escrow”.


Receiving and Right Use of Trust

The “opening to receive” part of this equation can pose a barrier if there are trust issues. Left to its own devices, the conscious mind places trust according to its own criteria. For example, we depend on another person so we must “love” them. And because we love them, we must “trust” them. If, at some point, a person proves unworthy of our trust, the conscious mind then computes that trust itself is not worthy. The fact is, each person can be trusted to act in accordance with their level of spiritual understanding within the moment. No more and no less. It may be difficult for the conscious mind to arrive at this conclusion without the loving guidance of the soul.


Misunderstandings around the issue of trust are one of the major reasons why some people distrust their soul and higher self. When we banish trust, our sole source of information and guidance is the conscious mind.

When a person misunderstands trust, this often triggers feelings of anger and betrayal. Anger bars access to the soul, the higher self, and the soul’s rich storehouse of wisdom and knowledge.


Discernment Teaches Right Use of Trust

Practicing discernment allows us to clear any misunderstandings we have around the issue of trust. Discernment is a province of the union of the mind and soul. When our mind practices the right use of trust, it understands that we can always trust the love and guidance of our soul and higher self. A conscious mind that opens to this source of loving guidance is able to enter feeling states that allow deepening spiritual communion. It is this communion that allows one to live a heartfelt existence. The natural outgrowth of a heartfelt life is the practice of love and kindness.


Love and Kindness Unite us with our Soul

When we unite our mind and our soul, we perceive how our words and actions affect others. We see how a leaf quivers at our touch, how the energy of our words affects all those we encounter. A conscious mind with this awareness chooses a path in life with the intent to harm none. This is the path of the heart and the path of the soul. When we see with our heart, we perceive our path and our truth within each moment. All that is not aligned with our path falls away. This is discernment.


Through the practice of discernment and right use of trust, we are able to develop a stronger communion with our soul and higher self. Love and kindness, as the outer manifestation of this communion, hold the power to carry us into the fifth-dimension and beyond.

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