Ten Ways to Spot a Pervasive Low Energy Problem From Adrenal Fatigue


by Paul Fassa

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(NaturalNews) Feeling run down and fatigued often or chronically can be connected to adrenal fatigue. Even hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone production) is often related to adrenal fatigue.

Unfortunately, modern mainstream medicine only recognizes the extreme version of adrenal fatigue known as Addison’s disease. It’s actually pretty rare, around four out of 100,000 are diagnosed with Addison’s disease, which is usually connected to a severe autoimmune disease.

What is termed adrenal fatigue, or non-Addison’s hypoadrenia, is not part of mainstream medical literature, except as a debunk item. They ignore it because their testing methods are not measuring lower hormonal levels from depleted adrenals.

So when someone is experiencing known hypoadrenia symptoms, most of which are listed below, he or she has a good chance of being told nothing’s wrong or worse, getting misdiagnosed and put on pharmaceuticals.

But holistic health practitioners, along with an increasing number of MDs, say that adrenal fatigue does exist and does cause problems that reduce optimal health, probably leading to even more debilitating diseases.

Some call it the 21rst Century Stress Syndrome. Most of us know that we are living with more toxic levels of day to day stress than ever before.

The adrenal glands come in pairs, with each one located above each kidney. They are involved with producing and distributing 50 hormones. When kicked in by the sympathetic nervous system’s “fight or flight” stimulus, the adrenal glands crank up the cortisol.

Even low level chronic stress creates higher cortisol levels that make it difficult to really relax while messing up one’s sleep cycles and digestion. It also produces symptoms similar to hypothyroidism.

Ten obvious adrenal fatigue symptoms

(1) Fatigue is a given. It can manifest as very slow to awaken fully after a good night’s sleep or chronic.
(2) Low sex drive or sexual energy.
(3) Strong cravings for sugar, salt, and fats.
(4) Dizzy or light headed while getting up quickly from sitting or prone positions.
(5) PMS or menopausal symptom increase.
(6) Mood swings that were uncharacteristic earlier in life.
(7) Mental fogginess with memory issues.
(8) Hormonal imbalance and/or depletion.
(9) Constant muscular tension leading to hypertension and high blood pressure. Inability to relax completely.
(10) Autoimmune issues: constantly catching colds or allergic reactions.

There are a few more, however these are the most salient and common symptoms to alert you to the possibility of adrenal fatigue, which is an actual condition that affects many.

Avoiding or reversing adrenal fatigue

Many recommend yoga, especially mastering the corpse pose for total relaxation. Meditation done regularly is an excellent stress reducer.

Lifestyle changes include better sleep, rest, and naps when needed with some form of exercise all help diminish the effects of too much cortisol accumulated from constant stress.

Many health experts point to vitamin B12 as vital for adrenal and thyroid health. Oral supplements are difficult to assimilate, so it’s important to use a B12 sublingual version or B12 patch with methylcobalamin B12.

The most commonly used B12, cyanocobalamin, is disdained as counterproductive to B12 assimilation by experts. Avoid it.

According to Dr. Sherill Sellman, a non-junk food diet with minimal stimulants, alcohol, sugar, and sugar substitutes helps greatly.

She recommends increased magnesium, and B-complex with more attention to B5. She considers high dose vitamin C with smaller doses spread out through the day as highly supportive to adrenal health.

A really good way to easily assimilate mega doses of vitamin C is with liposomal encapsulated vitamin C. You can buy it online or make your own. Find out more here (http://www.naturalnews.com).

Sources for this article include:

Video adrenal seminar (lengthy): http://youtu.be/SM9vDjCuhvQ


Medical estabishment arrogance: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/adrenal-fatigue/AN01583

Dr. Sellman (short video): http://youtu.be/WD3Ovw2CK0o

About the author:
Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com

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