February 2012

Alkaline-Forming Foods Prevent Acid Reflux, Heartburn, GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus

Monday, February 13, 2012 by: JB Bardot http://www.naturalnews.com/034947_acid_reflux_GERD_foods.html (NaturalNews) Acid reflux is the condition where food and stomach acids regurgitate back into the esophagus, causing burning pain in the lower chest accompanied by…

blooming forest

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 86: Celebrate Your Achievements

Todays missive will in many ways be like so many of the others we have given you these last months, as we always strive to give you another reason to keep going. In…

Army Officer’s Leaked Report Rips Afghan War Success Story

Gareth Porter  February 12, 2012 by Inter Press Service http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/02/12-4 An analysis by Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, which the U.S. Army has not approved for public release but has leaked to Rolling Stone magazine,…

greek islands lightning

Greek Protests Continue As Lawmakers Pass Severe Austerity Measures

NICHOLAS PAPHITIS and DEREK GATOPOULOS   02/12/12 11:41 PM ET   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/12/greek-debt-deal_n_1271524.html ATHENS, Greece — Greek lawmakers on Monday approved harsh new austerity measures demanded by bailout creditors to save the debt-crippled nation…

sand rippled sky desert

Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real

Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real Saturday, 28 January 2012 09:17 http://tinyurl.com/8yn66r5  Geo Change Journal Mr. Khalilov, what is the nature of the unusual very low-pitched sounds reported by a great…

flower of life spiral

Saul: Major Changes to the Way Society is Organized Are Happening Right Now

Saul John Smallman February 12, 2012 http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/major-changes-to-the-way-society-is-organized-are-happening-right-now/ In the spiritual realms we are observing with joy the rapid progress that humanity is now making in its spiritual evolution as the moment for its…

soul light from heaven

Jeshua ben Joseph: You Are all Now in a Highly Accelerated State of Releasing

Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman February 12, 2012 http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/you-are-all-now-in-a-highly-accelerated-state-of-releasing/ When humanity awakens as one into its divine and fully-conscious state, there will be great rejoicing throughout creation.  Its awakening has been planned…

Pyramids Globally Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud

http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2012/02/worlds-pyramids-globally-beaming-energy.html http://beforeitsnews.com/story/1733/112/ Posted February 11, 2012 NASA and the European Space Agency have been warning the world for two years about the approaching catastrophes that may unfold during 2012 to 2013. Few listened….

deep space portal

DL Zeta: Receiving a Vision for the New Year

By DL Zeta http://www.celestialvision.org/celestial-news/ 10 February 2012 At the beginning of a new year, many find themselves reaching out to their guides and higher self, seeking a vision for coming times. As energies…

triple light tree

El Morya: The Law of One by Galactic Love

El Morya via Marie Mohler http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/el-morya-law-one-galactic-love-reporter-marie-mohler Dear One, It is I, El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame. The sun is rising in the Hearts of All dear one. Inner Flames are receiving…

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