The Greater Good: The Truth Behind Vaccines (Video)

THE GREATER GOOD looks behind the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today. The film re-frames the emotionally charged issue and offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program.

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  1. In about 1993 my earlier Teacher of Polarity therapy brought an expert on THE DANGERS OF VACCINES from Australia. As I have lent her book to someone a long while ago in only presently recall her first name Vera, I will write other comment as soon as I get her name. she at that time had so much conclusive evidence to prove the dangers of vaccines,and was EMPLOYED BY A UNIVERSITY SYDNEY TO TEACH NEWLY QUALIFIED DOCTORS THE DANGERS OF OVER VACCINATION.! Also in 2010 the Swedish government bought the Swine flu vaccine for the whole country. millions were vaccinated.
    At later half of 2011 we see the devastating results where at least 150 people many young people develop the extremely unusual disease ” narkolepsi” where you simply fall asleep anywhere anytime literally fall down if you are standing up, there is no doubt as to the connection here between the vaccine and disease.
    These multinational medicine companies have no moral ethics, I’m sorry for those of you who happen to work in them but economy goes first and foremost.the truth behind HIV involves vaccines I will not go into detail here. All of the young families here in Sweden whom I advised in the 80 s and 90 s to avoid vaccines have come to thank me for this having strong healthy children and not children who seem susceptible to everything going around. Zumi

  2. her name is Vera Schneider ( not sure spelling ) but just Google her name and add + vaccination+ Australia and you will find her. i may be writing an article on the world “health” situation on my new site very shortly and will be quoting her in it . but right now there is SO MUCH MORE TO PRIORITIZE

    For ALL THE LATEST NEWS on the CHANGES ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE see my page The Bigger Picture on

    Therese Zumi Sumner

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