Chinese National TV Reporting Impending UFO/ET Disclosure by Obama Government
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, January 21, 2011 http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/chinese-national-tv-reporting-impending-ufo-et-disclosure-by-obama-government Chinese National Television Xinhua news is now reporting an impending extraterrestrial disclosure by the Obama administration. The unprecedented national China TV news bulletin that…

Chinese New Year 2012 Rings in Year of the Dragon
Chinese New Year 2012 Rings in Year of the Dragon Shireen Gonzaga, EarthSky, 01-22-2012 http://earthsky.org/human-world/chinese-new-year-2012-rings-in-year-of-the-dragon At midnight on January 23, 2012, Chinese people around the world will welcome the new year, ushering in…

U.S. AG Eric Holder, DoJ Head Lanny Breuer Linked to Banks Accused of Foreclosure Fraud
Scot Paltrow, Reuters, 1-20-2012 http://reut.rs/yaZ48D (Reuters) – U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer, head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, were partners for years at a Washington law firm that represented a…

SaLuSa: Soul Follows Its Own Dictates
SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey, January 23, 2012 http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/January2012/salusa__23january2012.htm Our observations are that you are doing so well in bringing Light to the Earth that it is continuing to increase exponentially and rapidly taking you…

David Wilcock: Financial Tyranny – Defeating the Greatest Cover-Up of All Time – Part 4
THE MAGIC PRINTING PRESS The greatest victory of the Federal Reserve cabal has been the ability to print money out of thin air. Creating 26 Trillion dollars of bailouts for their own banks…

High Council of Orion: Truth in a Time of Great Deception
High Council of Orion via Karen Doonan www.crystalline-sanctuary.com Welcome dear ones we come to further guide and to explain that which is unfolding around the world at this time of vast energetic heightening…

Amy Goodman: The Day the Internet Roared
Amy Goodman, Nation of Change, Jan. 22, 2012 http://www.nationofchange.org/day-internet-roared-1326982915 Wednesday, Jan. 18, marked the largest online protest in the history of the Internet. Websites from large to small “went dark” in protest of…

Saint Germaine: Identifying the Controllers’ Methods
[Note From the Healers Journal: After reading this article/channeling this morning, I was unsure as to wether I should post it or not– not because it decried many of the common notions in…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: When Judgment is Set Aside, Appropriate Responses Can Be Determined
Channeled by John Smallman January 22, 2012 http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com As you watch the dramatic evolutionary changes in people’s behavior occurring all over the world, you cannot be unaware of the effects that those changes…

Senator Pushes for GMO Labeling in Washington State
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer http://www.naturalnews.com/034670_GMO_labeling_Washington_State_food.html#ixzz1k701rHsB (NaturalNews) Regardless of whether the Republicans or Democrats occupy the White House, federal regulatory officials continue to disregard concerns about genetically-modified organisms…