Euro Banks Now Borrowing From Businesses Instead of Lending to Them
Euro banks now borrowing from businesses instead of lending to them Kenneth Schortgen Jr http://www.examiner.com/finance-examiner-in-national/euro-banks-now-borrowing-from-businesses-instead-of-lending-to-them Finance Examiner January 9, 2012 In what can only be described as Bizzaro world, or some form of…

2012 Inspired Forecast
Jade Fire via Ellaeenah http://jadefirelight.com/blog/2011/12/inspired-message-for-2012/ Dearly Beloved, many of you have experienced highs and lows in 2011, the likes of which you may have rarely experienced earlier. Many of you have come through…

Bill Would Let Restaurants Donate Leftovers to the Hungry
Paula J. Owen, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 01-07-2012 http://www.telegram.com/article/20120107/NEWS/101079930/1116 As the economy continues to falter and the number of families seeking help at local food pantries increases, there is one possible solution gaining…

SaLuSa: You Must Be Willing to do the Work to Ascend
SaLuSa via Mike Qunisey, January 9, 2012 http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/January2012/salusa__9january2012.htm The energies around the world continue to build up, and are carried by the grid that is lifting up the Earth. All is preparing for…

Western Oil Firms Remain as US Exits Iraq
Dahr Jamail, Aljazeera, 02-07-2012 http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2011/12/2011122813134071641.html The end of the US military occupation does not mean Iraqis have full control of their oil. BAGHDAD, Iraq – On November 27, 38 months after Royal Dutch…

Ruth Ryden: The Masters on the Akashic Records
Ascended Masters via Ruth Ryden December 31, 2012 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ruth_ryden_newsletter/message/60 You are a part of a tremendous broadcast system that connects you to the entire world and the universe. (Excerpted) Over and above the…

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 70
By Aisha North Today is an important day indeed, as it will mark the passage into a new realm for so many of you. Let us explain. Together, you have made it…

Beings from Beyond: Look Beyond Surface Appearances for the Truth
Beings from Beyond and Before Time via Karen Doonan www.crystalline-sanctuary. We are here to communicate and to highlight some of the changes that will begin to appear in the reality that you know…

Princess Kaoru Nakamaru on Shadow Governments
2012 JANUARY 7 http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/princess-kaoru-nakamaru-on-shadow-governments/ Posted by Steve Beckow In light of her recent address at the Pythagoras Conference, here is Princess Kaoru Nakamaru’s earlier video on her spiritual journey, the shadow government, etc. In…

Why Spain’s New Government Is Drinking Austerity Kool-Aid and How This Threatens the Global Economy
Marshall Auerbach, Alternet, 01-03-2012 http://bit.ly/y7gdsP European elites push economic myths that benefit the rich and screw the rest. Spain’s program means even higher public deficits, fewer jobs, and slowed growth. Spain’s new government…