JPM Chase Quietly Halts Suits Over Consumer Debts
Jeff Horwitz, American Banker, 01-10-2012 http://www.americanbanker.com/issues/177_7/jpmorgan-chase-consumer-debt-collection-1045606-1.html?zkPrintable=1&nopagination=1 JPMorgan Chase & Co. has quietly ceased filing lawsuits to collect consumer debts around the nation, dismissing in-house attorneys and virtually shutting down a collections machine that…

Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy: A Massive Global Event is Close
Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn011012.htm Dratzo! We return! The events that promise to transform your world are close to manifesting! We have been told by our Earth allies that…

Saul: Expectations Are Rising
Saul via John Smallman http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com Your expectations continue to rise as the moment for your awakening approaches, and this is good because interested and enthusiastic expectation of this magnificent event raises your spirits, encouraging…

U.S. Inquiry of MF Global Gains Speed
Ben Protess and Azam Ahmed, DealBook (New York Times) 01-09-2012 http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/01/09/u-s-inquiry-of-mf-global-gains-speed/?nl=business&emc=dlbka8 The investigation into MF Global is intensifying as federal authorities unearth new details and confront potential obstacles in their hunt for roughly…

Galactic Federation: Prepare for Our Announcements
Galactic Federation via Greg Giles, January 10, 2012 http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/01/message-from-galactic-federation-11012.html The operation is not yet a success. We still have a few more tasks at hand before matters can be considered accomplished. There is…

SaLuSa: We Expect a Major Breakthrough Very Soon
SaLuSa via mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/January2012/salusa__11january2012.htm 11-January-2012 Dear Ones, bear in mind that it is your beliefs that can hold you back, so it is particularly important this year that you have an open…

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival Part 71 – Letting Go
10 January 2012 The prospect of a brand new tomorrow is for some of you very daunting, and we do understand why, as the changes they pertain can be such a challenge to…

DL Zeta: Accessing a Wider Range of Your Infinite Being
By DL Zeta Posted 01-08-2012 http://www.celestialvision.org/journal/2012/1/8/accessing-a-wider-range-of-your-infinite-being.html As we move further into the new energies on Planet Earth, it becomes easier to expand into your infinite nature by gaining awareness of new aspects of…

Melchizedek: to Stay in Equilibrium, State Your Intention to Anchor and Embody Your Divine Presence on Earth
http://www.therainbowscribe.com Melchizedek via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana January 10, 2012 Beloved Ones, I wish to have discourse on the coming attractions, so to speak. At this time, many of you are experiencing the intense energies…

2012 Agenda for Disclosure: Opening Pandora’s Box
By Alcuin Bramerton http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.com/2007/12/2008-agenda-for-disclosure.html High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information are likely to bring the following changes in 2012: The Kissinger-Bush-Cheney-Clinton-Obama political clique will be removed from American public life permanently. Barack Obama,…