Aloe Vera Helps Reverse Cancer and AIDS

by PF Louis

(NaturalNews) One of the best kept secrets in the nutritional field is aloe vera. Commonly recognized for soothing ulcers, hemorrhoids, sunburns, wounds and other skin ailments, many don’t know the power pure raw aloe vera juice has for improving and even reversing serious diseases that baffle mainstream medicine.

That’s because those claims are suppressed.

If a supplement or nutritional product promotes any kind of cure, the FDA and other agencies send their bootjack militia to raid them. A frightening example occurred in Tampa, Florida a couple of decades ago as research physician Ivan Danhoff MD was attempting to crash the medical mafia’s cancer party.

That’s when his nutritional clinic was using aloe extracts and curing terminal cancer patients from hospice. Health agency thugs raided, pulling IVs out of patients whose condition had improved dramatically. Many died months later. The clinical trial was going by FDA guidelines to get the aloe extract approved (

Improving on nature is probably unnecessary with aloe vera

The desire to modify or isolate ingredients from aloe vera to create an accepted medical model that is efficacious without side effects is commendable. But it appears Big Pharma and the cancer industry’s good fellas want to protect their turf. Allowing an actual cure would even put the cancer cure fund raisers out of business.

Most store shelf aloe vera juices don’t do much beyond soothing the minor ailments mentioned earlier. Those juices are processed, heated, and diluted. That’s not the case with all aloe vera products. The right aloe vera juice products are miracle healers (

The most dramatic clinical proof of pure raw aloe vera juice comes from research done with AIDS patients. Almost all who were put on a regimen of daily aloe vera juice got better with white T cell counts skyrocketing. It’s obvious that aloe vera is a potent immune booster, which implies it can be applied to other diseases.

One of the AIDS patients in this trial was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and told he had less than two months to live. His liver was so tumor riddled it was four times its normal size. He continued with the juice, improved gradually, and within a year all his tumors were gone.

A doctor involved with this trial, pathologist H. Reginald McDaniel MD, was at first skeptical. But now he has seriously ill patients using aloe successfully. What turned him around was his own illness, a viral pneumonia for which conventional medicine had no answer. He was given a couple of cases of aloe juice, and his cure turned him into an aloe advocate.

Two short videos covering the aloe AIDS/cancer story are linked at the end of this paragraph. The last part of video 2 is censored, evidently to exclude information for ordering that particular juice. Promoting non-pharmaceutical AIDS and cancer cures is a no-no with the FDA. That data was probably pulled to protect them from FDA harassment (

Aloe’s healing power known for ages

The juice’s power has been known by indigenous groups for ages. Franciscan Friar Romano Zago discovered how to make the juice from Brazilian Indians, used it with local villagers, and published his findings in the 1980s. He used their recipe based on the indigenous aloe arborescense plant . You can download a pdf summary of his book/recipe here (

Father Zago’s juice and others are from whole leaves. It’s possible to get aloe juices without leaf skins (filleted) or reduced aloin content to minimize potential diarrhea side effects. Check below for some other aloe juice options or Google for others.

Sources for this article include:

Friar Romano Zago approved aloe juice products

Brazilian homemade cancer cure recipe

Aloe arborescense whole plant source

Video of AIDS and cancer patient cures

Another juice source

Another juice source

Plug for cancer use

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