Archangel Metatron: The UFO Phenomena – The Metatronic Perspective


The UFO Phenomena


The Metatronic Perspective


Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn


Question to Metatron: Many have spoken of extra terrestrial beings having bases within inner dimensions of earth, and that these occur in hologramic dimensions. Many report seeing such craft, yet it seems to me that if they are in other dimensional planes, they would not be easily sensed or seen. Are their crafts visible to humankind? Please explain.




Metatron:  This is a complex question. Now, let us explain in this manner; beings from other dimensions, other planes, other times and other worlds have absolutely manifested and appeared among humankind, both in the past and present. Their ‘appearance’, their ability to be perceived by the ‘naked eye’ is sometimes completely by accident, and in rare situations, quite deliberate. In the latter case, there are indeed lesser evolved extra terrestrials who seek to glimpse your planet, and understand biology here. Some have attempted to breed with humans to create a hybrid form that would allow them greater emotional expression.




In the former, just as humans have quite accidentally blundered through the sequential time curtain between the fields of your present, past and future, so have ‘extra terrestrial’ life forms and beings materialized by happenstance into the divisional frequencial membrane between one parallel or dimensional plane and another. Usually when they have done so they were invisible on your plane, as the few of you who fell into the past, or the apparent past, were invisible to the people of that time era. This rare phenomenon triggers an immediate expansion of subconscious to conscious awareness that is catapulted into activation by the migration into different folds of time sequence. It is initiated straight from the multidimensional core of the entity, and is evidence, although quite disturbing to the one experiencing it at the time, that all such dimensional boundaries and paradigms are for practical purposes only. You see, there are differing sciences, different physics for each dimension, just as there are different approaches and paths of science and physics available to mankind in his current reality.




Sciences that would have led to very different concepts have been largely ignored by mankind thus far. There are alternative approaches to physics that reveal much more about transport, transmutation, bi-location and locomotion than your accepted mainstream science understands or wishes to understand. Had the human species gone into certain mental disciplines as thoroughly as it has explored exterior technological ‘laws’, your knowledge, means and resulting transportation system would be vastly different, and far more efficient than it is now. You have embraced the external and to some degree dismissed the capacities of your ‘internal abilities’ within divine consciousness.




Now , when mankind decides to devote mainstream study into what is termed the ‘mental’ science of transport and bi-location, and indeed it is a science with laws that can be learned, practiced and  fine tuned, then visitations into parallels and vectors within time and space will become less accidental and occur by design, by plan. Once mankind learns and masters ‘mental physics’ then he will be liberated, vastly liberated from the filtering illusion, the duality camouflage of physical pattern. Indeed you are just starting to understand how the Mer-Ka-Na when tuned by mind as the builder into the unified crystalline field, unlocks this key. This will be greatly enhanced as your 144 Grid and its networking of crystalline energy completes its unfolding. The grid will offer great opportunity of advancement to those of you willing to devote focus to this divine science of ‘mental’ manifestation and what you term astral travel. You see all science must include the divine, and it is grossly omitted by your mainstream academics in the present.




So back to your query, back to the topic, the interesting point about mankind’s claimed sightings of extra terrestrial crafts or in your vernacular ‘flying saucers’ is not that they are there, but that so many claim to actually see them.




Indeed some do, but few and very rarely. And those that do often are ‘seeing ‘ them in what may be termed expanded lucid consciousness, not in normal eyesight.




The fact that most craft are traveling within a field of parallel dimension shields visibility, in your terms, by the very frequencial camouflage of its planar dimensional separation. So in real terms the vast majority of such craft do not and cannot physically manifest in your dimension, as such.




Now visual experiences do occur, but what is seen, in most cases are actually refracted images, an energetic photo-reflection that flashes into your dimension as the spacecrafts enter into the earthen dimensional spectrums. This occurs most often at the moment the craft slows from light velocities and enters space-hole folds. When this dimensional bleed -through occurs, the refracted image becomes visible.




The atoms, plasma and molecules that structurally compose the ‘spacecraft’ are themselves formed by the physical pattern structurally bonded and physically aligned according to the succinct nature and pattern of its own dimensional turf, its original territorial reality. Now as the craft enters your plane a sharp distortion occurs. Its actual structure is caught in a dilemma of form between transforming itself completely into earth’s particular reality texture, and retaining its original pattern.




In many cases, the human observer attempts to correlate what is ‘seen’ within the belief system of what he accepts as credibly possible in the universe. As such many sightings are somewhat tailored to individual expectation and mass human belief. This does not imply that what is seen isn’t occurring, rather that what is seen is a distorted by dimensional mirror play and expectancy.




Thus the end result of what the earthly viewer believes he sees is something between an oddly shaped craft and airplane, enshrouded in spinning lights, but in veracity is neither. The craft retains what it can of its original structure and changes what it must as it transmutes its structure to the laws of the new dimensional plane.




Because each  human observer registers the image and interprets it individually, many of the claims and reports as to shape, size, and color differ dramatically.




So even the appearances that seem undeniably ‘real’ in your terms, are at best distortions. Most crafts come from realities and planes of existence that are far more advanced in technological sciences than earth at this time.




The few times the craft shoots off at right angles, it has managed to retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat.




The ones that appear to you to be solid are not originating from what we would term the higher planes of pure thought manifestation, or a consciousness -science plane. You see the more advanced extra terrestrials enter your plane by utilizing ‘energy cocoons’ that are manifested by pure thought, and these are intellectively constructed and externalized by into what is termed bio plasma. Their ‘Mother Ships’ do not enter into your environ.






The crafts that do come deliberately into your dimensions do so only transiently for very brief periods because such inner space vehicles cannot stay on your plane for prolonged time. This is due to the tremendous tensile stresses that pressure the crafts structural integrity, and indeed these are imminently capable of creating catastrophic pressures that result in vaporizing dematerialization. The need to materially transform structural compliance with the physical laws of a differing dimensional plane is a practical necessity, and at this time the flying saucer craft simply cannot stay any indefinite period. A crude comparison is that of your submarines exceeding their depth limit, and struggling to remain intact before succumbing to the pressures. Do you understand?




So the fleeting shapes seen are wry isomorphic veneers of the true structure. Often what humans reportedly see is the saucer form or the oblong cigar shape, but in truth these are skewed perceptions that have virtually no relation to the actual crafts intricate design, as it would appear within its home base and planar architectural construct.




As we have stated there are lesser-evolved extra terrestrials that have delved into your physical realms to observe and study, and these account for the vast majority of sightings and evidence of landings. However, these have occurred far less frequently than you imagine. The infamous ‘UFO Crash’ that became so publicized, was quite by accident and led to devastating results. There have cases where your aircraft and nuclear sites were observed and studied but most of these were for very brief periods.




Most authentic sightings are brief glimpses of light forms moving in impossible angles. These are generally dimensional bleed -throughs, and become visible at the moment the refracted images becomes visible.




Less than 5 percent of physical sightings are genuine. That may be hard for you to accept. We tell you that many humans are so convinced of these skyward appearances, that they oft create the image themselves. How many of you as children actually saw your Santa Clause in the skies leading his sleigh of reindeer. Indeed your Santa Clause does exist, does have awareness, because you fed that thought form life through your system of belief. Indeed do many of your ‘fictional’ characters have awareness and exist as thought forms created by mass though energy. Do you see how creative you are? Indeed it is an aspect of your ‘mental science’ abilities achieved, manifested in system of belief.




Yet do not misunderstand, extra terrestrial life is teeming in the Cosmos, and many exist indeed in and within your earth. Not just within multidimensionality, but some, especially your seeding ancestors work closely with you in the ascension and development of the earth. Among the most prominent of these benevolent beings are those of the Pleiades, Sirius A and B, Andromeda and Arcturius. Indeed many of you existed in Atlantis as these beings, and co exist in the NOW, in parallel as these beings. We have told you this before.




Indeed these beings are capable of existing physically in your world, and have done so for eons of time, but this is more often than not done through the science of mental transformation, mental mastery. Their ships however, do not appear in your dimension as many of you imagine. In truth these beings utilize what is termed stargate technologies to assist them in materializing, somewhat as the ‘beam’ transport system in your ‘Star-Trek’ program. Most of the extra terrestrial bases on your planet are formed via hologramic frequencial inserts that are strategically placed within areas of stargate portals or infinity points geometrically and electro-magnetically occurring in specific vectors on and within the earth. Often highly technical complexes containing crystal amplifiers and relay beams are placed within these.




The more valid experiences and beneficial interface with extra terrestrials occur in advanced humans who are capable through Mer-Ka-Na interface to experience multidimensionality in expanded lucid states of astral travel. This multidimensionality experience will be more accessible to many of you within the Quantum Crystalline Field via the 144 grid. It requires work. Many of your ancients and savants achieved this ability through fasting, vision quests and certain plant modalities that accelerate the process of astral experience.




Now, interdimensional planes can and do intermix on many planets, such as but not limited to your Earth, and they do so often without the awareness or conscious knowledge of the inhabitants of the particular planes involved. Few humans are currently conscious of their multidimensional realities. The entire concept of your earth having internal civilizations, visitors with bases, and extraterrestrial inhabitants is quite alien to you, if you will forgive the pun!




You see dimensional parallel planes are often hologramic in nature. As such they can exist devoid of space. They are not truly a ‘place’ in your concept of location. A parallel hologramic plane may be inserted into a specific time as a mental reality. It can be a specific stand-alone reality that is capable of existing separately, but this does not lessen its validity by any means. In fact many of your Christos dramas are such purposeful hologramic inserts. Hologramic inserts may exist for a time and then disappear because it is not an actual Cosmic location per se.  A hologramic insert is formed for entities as gestalt patterns for emotional fulfillment and lessons on various levels.






Humans often discount the great importance and validity of emotion and imagination. Both are critical in mental science. In a real sense, emotional states and what you term imaginative dreams are dimensional planes. In fact, the comparative analogy of a dimensional plane with an emotional state is much more congruous and valid than that between a plane and a specific vector location or what you would term a place, because in truth neither emotional states nor dimensional planes occupy space as you define it.




Now, the Pleiadeans and Sirians who are your primary genetic source work very closely with humankind. These benevolent extraterrestrials have worked with you in the past, present and future, in your terms in many efforts to assist mankind regain their true mastery. These beings work with your gravitational fields, grids and ley, vortex and portal systems, especially in the ongoing revamping of earths dimensional access upgrade. Accordingly they have developed means of co existing with you to some extent, and are capable of manifesting forms to live within and on your earth. They often form bio plasmic spheres coded with information to assist you in myriad ways. Some of your symbolic geometric crop circles are one of these ways. These are emitted primarily through concentrated light-thought manifestations that combine with earth’s electromagnetic fields to form programmed geometric symbols. These are highly electrical in nature, as any empath who has sat in a newly formed crop circle can attest to the tangible buzz of the energy within them.




Metatron : Does this answer your question?




Tyberonn: Yes, thank you.




Metatron: Then we  are complete for now.




I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and you are Beloved. And so it is….






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1 comment on this postSubmit yours
  1. I am sorry but this is unacceptable to me. I have seen space ships since I was twelve years under all sorts of circumstances and I was AWAKE. These were not holographic representations.

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