The Occupy Movement Needs Your Help Securing Shelter

Jane Hamsher,

(From email)

With winter quickly approaching, 1%-friendly Mayors like NYC’s billionaire Michael Bloomberg, Oakland’s Jean Quan and other mayors appear to be coordinating raids of occupations, destroying their tents and shelter, confiscating their property and wreaking as much havoc as possible.

These mayors are attempting to disrupt the occupations to weaken them in advance of winter. That’s why the #OccupySupply Fund’s next project is to give the protesters shelter by purchasing American-made sleeping bags, “Tiny Tiny Homes” and other materials to help the occupations stay warm, dry, healthy and strong through winter.

As always, 100% of your donation will be used to purchase and distribute these goods. Can you please help us by donating to provide for the basic shelter needs of the occupations?

Click here to see some of the items and donate:

The Occupy Supply fund has raised over $91,000, and we’ve spent $81,000 of it on cold weather gear and supplies so far. Now we must act quickly to provide the occupations with protection from the elements.

Here are 3 ways you can help the Occupy Supply fund accomplish this goal:

American-made Sleeping bags – $50 each. We finally found them – and got a real deal on them, too! These 0-degree cold weather sleeping bags are the most requested item from occupations.

“Tiny Tiny Homes” – $100 each. Designed by Occupy Boston’s brilliant Sage Radachowsky, these small, portable, insulated sleeping structures could be a game-changer for the Occupy movement.  They can be erected quickly and easily using basic tools and materials.

Other occupation-specific shelter materials. Now that we have Occupy Liaisons stationed at different encampments across the country, we’re getting word from occupations of their specific needs to build and maintain shelter, and with your help, will do our best to meet them.

We will continue to work with our growing, national network of Occupy Liaisons to make inroads with various occupations and help
deliver these materials to those camping out to protest economic greed and injustice.

Can you donate to help us provide protection from the elements for as many occupations as possible in response to these recent attacks?

We’re also working with Sage on larger, more communal structures that different occupations can use to shield themselves from the cold, and will have more information on those soon.

Deliveries are beginning to arrive at occupations and my basement is packed with cold weather gear. So far we’ve sent hats, scarves, socks, and long underwear to encampments in places like Arizona, Iowa, Michigan, Tennessee and Wisconsin. We’ve been shipping like mad, so more occupations should begin to see deliveries soon.

Thanks so much for your help and I look forward to continuing to aid these occupations together.

Jane Hamsher
Founder & Publisher,

PS: If you want to personally receive and deliver goods from the supply fund as an Occupy Liaison, let us know at

“It takes courage for people to listen to their own goodness and act  on it.” – Pablo Casals (1876-1973); cellist, conductor

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