The Ascended Masters: Ascension Never Stops
The Ascended Masters via Wes Annac Dearest ascending souls of Planet Earth, we are the Ascended Masters. We are but a small collective of the Infinite ascended souls present in the higher…
Arcturians: Update on 11-11-11 Stargate Ascension
Arcturians via Suzanne Carroll Dear Arcturians, Is there more I should know about 11.11.11? Will we leave 3D Earth at that time? Our Beloved Ascending Ones, You notice that we no longer…
Andromedans: We Are Working Amongst You
Andromedans via Ute Dearest Ones, We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy. Beloved Earth Humans, We…
Pilot Speaks Out about Chemtrails and HAARP” Barry Davis, atms/cl., Oct. 19, 2011, BeforeItsNews The intent of this information is to create a strong interest in Chemtrails and HAARP so that people will want to sit with their government…
Occupy Together: Images of the Collective Awakening Occupy Wall Street, USA Occupy Madrid, Spain Occupy Berlin, Germany Occupy Amsterdam, The Netherlands Occupy Bucharest, Romania Occupy Lisbon, Portugal Occupy London, UK (in the middle: Wikileaks’ Julian Assange) Occupy Manilla, The…
SaLuSa: The Dark Cabal Faces an Impossible Task
SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey Oct. 21, 2011 The worldwide uprising continues to grow and will result in gains for the people. Not too long ago such demonstrations would have been quickly put…
Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: Major Upliftment is Around the Corner
Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa by Wes Annac Our Loving Creator has blessed you all with many purity increases of the energy being sent to your world. This energy is manifesting through…
Archangel Michael: Why Different Accounts of Ascension Disagree Susan S: Well, I’d like to ask a question about…you made a comment about looking outside of myself, which I think a lot of us are doing… My main question is about…
Archangel Michael: Release That Which No Longer Serves You
Turn the Dial To Accessing, Allowing & Releasing Channeled by Carolyn Ann O’Riley, 30 September, 2011 Salutations! & Welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. The moments have whizzed by and again it is time…