5 Ways To Support The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement



Here are 5 ways that you can show the Occupy Wall Street movement that you stand united in revolution.

1. Spread The Word

This is the easiest way to support the occupation, but it just might be the most important. Mainstream publications like the New York Times have failed to bring the true story of the protest to the eyes and ears of the American people. That’s why it’s essential to spread the word via any and all social media platforms.

Like the OccupyTogether Facebook page.

Follow the @OccupyWallSt Twitter account and retweet it using the #occupywallstreet hashtag.

Watch for stories, videos, and pictures of the Occupy Wall Street protest on Care2 or your favorite blog, and share them to Facebook and Google+.

2. Send Supplies

The protesters desperately need food, bedding, medical supplies, and other items to keep them safe and comfortable during the occupation. Non-perishable goods and money orders can be sent to:

The UPS Store
Re: Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038

3. Send Reinforcements

Occupations or similar protests are now planned or taking place in over 50 cities across America. If there’s one near you, GO. Showing up for just a few hours makes a huge difference. Wave a sign, bring some water or markers, listen to a speech, sign a petition, or share your own thoughts. All you need is your body and a burning desire for true democracy.

4. Support The Sharing Economy

It’s taken hundreds of years to brainwash the American people into believing that “corporations are people,” and that we need them to survive. Look for ways to embrace collaborative consumption in your own life. Share your space, time, bike, car, money and food. Buy or swap used items instead of purchasing new ones. Rent, grow, and build things instead of buying them.

5. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Banks and other corrupt corporations have held our financial system hostage for long enough. Deny them excessive profits by cancelling your credit card, moving your money to a credit union and pledging to use cash whenever possible.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/5-ways-to-support-the-occupy-wall-street-movement.html#ixzz1Zl2VFtAf

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